Trade on Bitcoin, Gold, Oil, Apple, Tesla, crude oil and 6,400+ other world-renowned markets.

Pro Tools for Traders
Advanced tools designed to empower traders with pro-level insights

Online Trading
Effortless online trading with real-time insights and secure access

Real Estate Invest
Invest in real estate with confidence using insights and expert tools

Crypto Invest
Invest in cryptocurrencies securely with our expert trading tools

Crypto Market

Price Alerts
Set Price Alerts to stay updated on market changes and never miss a trade

One-Click Trading

Our platform's Security Feature
Advanced Encryption
Keep sensitive information secure with advanced encryption tools.
Secure Socket Layer (SSL)
Protect data transfers with robust Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption.
Our platform is optimized for the mobile version as well.
Designed to perform perfectly on both desktop and mobile screens.

Choose our world-class platform
Accepting All Currency
More Than 600+ Trading Instruments
Choose the right plan for trading
- Spreads
- Assets
- Leverage available
- Commission per Lot
- Minimum Trade Size
- Trading Platforms available
- Mobile App
- Call, Email, Chat Support 24/5
- from 1.8 pips
- Forex, Metals, Energies, Agriculture, Livestock, Stocks, Indices, Digital Coins
- 1:100
- Commission 7.25%
- 0.01 Lot
- Primecpro WebTrader
- Yes
- from 1.5 Pips
- Forex, Metals, Energies, Agriculture, Livestock, Stocks, Indices, Digital Coins
- 1:200
- Commission 5.25%
- 0.01 Lot
- Primecpro WebTrader
- Yes
- from 1.0 Pips
- Forex, Metals, Energies, Agriculture, Livestock, Stocks, Indices, Digital Coins
- 1:300
- Commission 3.25%
- 0.01 Lot
- Primecpro WebTrader
- Yes
- 0.5 pips
- Forex, Metals, Energies, Agriculture, Livestock, Stocks, Indices, Digital Coins
- 1:400
- Commission 1.25%
- 0.01 Lot
- Primecpro WebTrader
- Yes
- from 0.1 Pips
- Forex, Metals, Energies, Agriculture, Livestock, Stocks, Indices, Digital Coins
- 1:500
- Commission 0.25%
- 0.01 Lot
- Primecpro WebTrader
- Yes
invitations only
Tailor made trading and investing experience based upon invitation only . Libra is an Exclusive Investors department that is based on the performance of your trading account. Only chosen Investors that are deemed fit by our Team of specialists will be able to join upon receiving an invitation.

"After a lot of research, I decided to try this trading platform, and I’m impressed! It offers a wide range of assets, and the real-time data is incredibly accurate. The mobile app is seamless, which is great for trading on the go. Customer support is also very helpful whenever I have questions." ㅤㅤ

Crypto Trader

James Gauthier
COO, Corporate Bank
Lavinia Gomez
Marketing, Creative Agency

Economic Calendar
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Expand your knowledge
Learn about trading CFDs with Canabit using our comprehensive educational materials.
Manage your risk
Use our advanced risk management tools to limit your losses and lock in profits.
"I’ve been using this trading platform for over 6 months, and I can honestly say it’s one of the best I’ve tried. The interface is intuitive, and the support team is very responsive. I’ve managed to significantly improve my trading skills thanks to their educational resources and user-friendly tools. Highly recommend!"